This is a modification of terra::distance()
for the case
of many points.
This version can often be faster for a single point because it does not return
a RasterLayer
This is different than terra::distance()
because it does
not take the minimum distance from the set of points to all cells.
Rather this returns the every pair-wise point distance.
As a result, this can be used for doing inverse distance weightings, seed rain,
cumulative effects of distance-based processes etc.
If memory limitation is an issue, maxDistance
will keep memory use down,
but with the consequences that there will be a maximum distance returned.
This function has the potential to use a lot of memory if there are a lot of
and to
Internal function.
directionFromEachPoint(from, to = NULL, landscape)
.pointDirection(from, to)
matrix with 2 or 3 columns, x and y, representing x and y coordinates
of from
cell, and optional id
, which will be returned,
and if id
column is in to
, it will be matched with that.
matrix with 2 or 3 columns (or optionally more, all of which will be returned),
x and y, representing x and y coordinates of to
cells, and
optional id
which will be matched with id
from from
It makes no sense to have id
column here with no id
in from
(optional) RasterLayer
or SpatRaster
This is only used if to = NULL
, in which case all cells are considered to
A sorted matrix on id
with same number of rows as to
but with one extra column, angles
indicating the angle in radians between from and to.
For speed, this angle will be between -pi/2
and 3*pi/2
If the user wants this between say, 0
and 2*pi
then angles \%\% (2*pi)
will do the trick. See example.
calls .pointDirection
, which is
not intended to be called directly by the user.
If knowing the which from cell matches with which to cell is important,
put a column "id" (e.g., starting cell) in the from
, which will also return directions if angles = TRUE
origDTThreads <- data.table::setDTthreads(2L)
origNcpus <- options(Ncpus = 2L)
N <- 2
dirRas <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0,40,0,40), res = 1)
coords <- cbind(x = round(runif(N, xmin(dirRas), xmax(dirRas))) + 0.5,
y = round(runif(N, xmin(dirRas), xmax(dirRas))) + 0.5,
id = 1:N)
dirs1 <- directionFromEachPoint(from = coords, landscape = dirRas)
# helper function for converting radians to degrees
deg2 <- function(radian) (radian * 180)/pi
dirs1[, "angles"] <- deg2(dirs1[,"angles"] %% (2*pi))
indices <- cellFromXY(dirRas,dirs1[, c("x", "y")])
minDir <- tapply(dirs1[, "angles"], indices, function(x) min(x)) # minimum angle
dirRas[] <- as.vector(minDir)
if (interactive()) {
start <- terra::vect(coords[, c("x", "y"), drop = FALSE])
terra::plot(start, add = TRUE)
# clean up
options(Ncpus = origNcpus)