These have been written with speed in mind.

  angles = NA,
  maxDistance = NA_real_,
  otherFromCols = FALSE



Numeric matrix with 2 or 3 or more columns. They must include x and y, representing x and y coordinates of "from" cell. If there is a column named "id", it will be "id" from to, i.e,. specific pair distances. All other columns will be included in the return value of the function.


Numeric matrix with 2 or 3 columns (or optionally more, all of which will be returned), x and y, representing x and y coordinates of "to" cells, and optional "id" which will be matched with "id" from from. Default is all cells.


Logical. If TRUE, then the function will return angles in radians, as well as distances.


Numeric in units of number of cells. The algorithm will build the whole surface (from from to to), but will remove all distances that are above this distance. Using this will keep memory use down.


other columns to use as 'from'