Generally useful for model development purposes. Primarily used internally
in e.g., crw
if torus = TRUE
wrap(X, bounds, withHeading = FALSE)
, sf
, or matrix of coordinates.
Either a SpatRaster*
, Extent
, or bbox
object defining bounds to wrap around.
logical. If TRUE
, the previous points must be wrapped
also so that the subsequent heading calculation will work.
Default FALSE
. See details.
Object of the same class as X
, but with coordinates updated to reflect the wrapping.
If withHeading
used, then X
must be an sf
or SpatVector
that contains two columns, x1
and y1
, with the immediately
previous agent locations.
origDTThreads <- data.table::setDTthreads(2L)
origNcpus <- options(Ncpus = 2L)
xrange <- yrange <- c(-50, 50)
hab <- terra::rast(terra::ext(c(xrange, yrange)))
hab[] <- 0
# initialize agents
N <- 10
# previous points
x1 <- y1 <- rep(0, N)
# initial points
starts <- cbind(x = stats::runif(N, xrange[1], xrange[2]),
y = stats::runif(N, yrange[1], yrange[2]))
# create the agent object # the x1 and y1 are needed for "previous location"
agent <- terra::vect(data.frame(x1, y1, starts), geom = c("x", "y"))
ln <- rlnorm(N, 1, 0.02) # log normal step length
sd <- 30 # could be specified globally in params
if (interactive()) {
# clearPlot()
terra::plot(hab, col = "white")
for (i in 1:10) {
agent <- crw(agent = agent, extent = terra::ext(hab), stepLength = ln,
stddev = sd, lonlat = FALSE, torus = FALSE) # don't wrap
if (interactive()) terra::plot(agent[, 1], add = TRUE, col = 1:10)
terra::crds(agent) # many are "off" the map, i.e., beyond the extent of hab
#> x y
#> [1,] -7.359131 47.350120
#> [2,] -36.349039 -4.654296
#> [3,] -39.489929 -15.540533
#> [4,] 31.315504 52.929017
#> [5,] 46.081860 -18.054884
#> [6,] -19.956107 22.787570
#> [7,] -66.934582 -30.752109
#> [8,] -68.224197 18.961591
#> [9,] 24.542212 -62.033998
#> [10,] -40.338536 42.934977
agent <-, bounds = terra::ext(hab))
terra::plot(agent, add = TRUE, col = 1:10) # now inside the extent of hab
#> Error in graphics::plot.xy(list(x = g[, 3], y = g[, 4]), type = "p", pch = pch, col = col, cex = cex, ...): has not been called yet
# clean up
options(Ncpus = origNcpus)